#abeminus100: Five Years In

I remember my trainer telling me something along the lines of, “Abe, when you lose 100 pounds, you won’t need the same external validation that you did at the beginning of your journey.”

I get it now. More on that later.

I just celebrated five years of my #abeminus100 journey. Five years ago I decided to change my life. I was quickly approaching a very unhealthy and unsustainable lifestyle. I had just gotten out of the hospital for the third time in three years for heart attack scares, was on my way to becoming diabetic, my blood pressure was high, my cholesterol was out of control, and I had no idea how to take care of myself.

So, in vulnerability, I decided enough was enough—I wanted to change.

The start of my journey was only the beginning of what would be five years of questions, answers, tweaks, PRs, set backs, injuries, joy, becoming aware of my ability, embodiment, and confidence.

I’m five years in, 60+ pounds down, twelve inches off my waist, with great consistent lab work results—and I’m literally so different now. I know so much more about my body, my abilities, my weaknesses, and food and wellness in general.

I think the 2017 version of myself would be absolutely shocked by who I am now. Mostly because I think he couldn’t even conceive a reality where he would be able to do what he is doing now. And I get it, it has taken countless hours and days and years to become confident in my journey. I am still on the path to lose 100 pounds, but it will be a byproduct of the myriad of wellness patterns and systems I’ve created for myself over the years, which is really exciting. I no longer need validation that I’m doing this journey the “right” way. Because what is right? I’ve learned that what is right for me looks completely different than what is right for you, dear reader. That’s the magic about being alive.

What’s really magical about this whole process is that I’m able to not only inspire myself every day by the years of micro-patterns and mantras slowly becoming an identity (I’m healthy now. I am fit. I am confident in my eating patterns. I know my body so much more than I did five years ago. I advocate for my health needs. I don’t feel bad about rest days or shitty workouts.), I’ve also somehow inspired people to chase after their own health, in their own way, too. And that’s honestly what I love doing— inspiring others to live fully, bravely, and wholly, and living like that myself.

Change takes time. A lot of time. And the more kind we are to ourselves throughout the process, the more powerful we become. I’m excited to hit that 100 pounds lost, and I’m also excited about right now—the version of Abe who I’ve created through intentional decisions over the last five years. I’m also excited for who he will be in another five years. So, let’s go!

❤️ #abeminus100

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