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The Magic of Being Exactly Here

To be present means that there is safety to be here. Presence is a state in which I am connected to the anchors: that I am deeply loved, and deeply taken care of. It is an expression of peace.

Presence is a well-watered garden. Not thirsting, or seeking “other”. Not anxious to go beyond, or push into an alternate version of Now. But rather, a nourished, kind-hearted space that feels safe enough to bloom—to lean into its soil and follow to light. 

Presence is a conscious, or subconscious choice to say yes to my Now, my current awake and alive reality.

Presence is a free dive. The first few times you go deep beneath the surface, the focus is on your breathing, the timing of when you need to return. Then as trust in your ability grows, so does your openness to exploration. You notice and take in. Awe gives way to curiosity. The path to other worlds is discovered.

To be present is to access the ability to feel secure, and then freed into your Now. This non-rushed, deeply trusting state allows for things to live with each other. The things that feel clear, and the things yet unfolding can co-exist in the same stronghold of trust. The Now and the Not Yet, the moment crafted and the moment of surprise.  

Presence is intentional indifference. Realized into your own life, with a rooted sense of love and acceptance that allows for the exact place of your Now, your reality, to be your gift. 

Presence is the workable material inside of your reality that empowers wonder, exploration, and creation. It’s the magic of being exactly here. 

Presence is the friend that can sit with you on the rough edges of the unknown. The soul that does not feel caught in the push or fix is the one who is led by the curiosity of witness.

Presence is floating just above surface, ears only hearing the thickness of water swirling. Body buoyant, eyes closed, as the senses experience hot and cool at the same moment. 

Presence is existing inside of a brave choice, one that feels at odds with what you once knew, who you once were. Tender to the fragility and longing when bravery took you far from a thing you called home. 

Presence is a good teacher. Its invitation bold and well-worn. Glittered with wisdom, sparked with the delight in it being you traversing the way. 

I am a soul that has not often inhabited my own body with peace. I have a companion in anxiety. I experience frequent invitations to rabbit trails of fear, distraction, emotive pulls, triggers, and panic that take away from the life in front of me. These narratives tell me I am not safe, that I need to be doing more. That I need to be doing different, to be better. These voices insist there is something in the Now that is not enough. 

Presence invites me to a whole other way—to the enoughness I hold inside. 

It’s in the Here I am learning that we find our next right thing. The thing calling out from the deep insides of our inner wisdom, slowly casting its light over each step if we are near enough to notice the glow.